Monica Ladd
4 November 2014
Originally From
Kingston, Jamaica
1 child placed

What they shared
Our family worships the ground that Bedi walks on. I am serious.
Our daughter was having a difficult time at a boarding school in England. She was very unhappy, and at a very late stage it became clear that her grades were going to reflect her unhappiness, in a serious way. So, I emphasize again, at a very late stage, in a bit of a panic, we called Bedi. This was on a Thursday afternoon, in mid August. Bedi said, “Well, it sounds like we need to get on this pretty quick. I am about to go out for a run, but if you don’t mind me being in my running clothes, I can meet you in 20 minutes at Cannonball.” So, I met him 20 minutes later. That night he sent out 15 emails to schools in the US. By the next day, he had 5 schools which had indicated interest. By Saturday, Alex had identified 2 top choices, and she did Skype interviews. By Sunday, we had applications in. On Monday, she had an offer from her top choice, and by Tuesday, we had accepted the offer and made a payment. On Tuesday night, she flew back to England to collect her stuff from her old school.
It all went at lightning speed.
I went to boarding school in the US, and I pretty much know the system. If you had asked me if what Bedi did for us was humanly possible in the middle of August, I would have told you, “no way.” Bedi pulled a rabbit out of a hat for us.
Alex is so happy at her school, Loomis Chaffee, I cannot explain. The move was life changing, transformative for her. When Bedi’s bill came, I told my husband that we should pay double. (Of course, he, being a man, did not do this.) But honestly, we are so in Bedi’s debt it is not funny.
Bedi knows everybody in that boarding school world. He is smart, insightful, funny, he worked a lightning speed for us, with incredible commitment to a young girl he had just met. We are Bedi’s greatest fans.
Over the years, Bedi Walker, through this Annual School Boarding Fair, has connected Caribbean families with top American schools with a deep focus on ensuring that each student thrives in their location. Don't miss this chance to make your next step, your best step.
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